Woodlands Historic Park Bugs

Gumtree Hopper (Tribe Stenocotini) at Woodlands Historic Park
Gumtree Hopper (Tribe Stenocotini) on the trunk of a Red Gum, early April. About 12mm long.
Gumtree Hopper (Tribe Stenocotini) at Woodlands Historic Park
Side view.

Identification of this species to tribe is relatively easy because of the position of the ocelli (simple eye) visible in the above photo as a red dot in a slight depression on the margin of the head in front of the compound eye. See the key on page 80 of Evans. Identification from a photograph using the more up to date key on the NSW Department of Primary Industry Website requires some guesswork.


from Australian Faunal Directory

Order Hemiptera - bugs, hoppers and scale insects
Suborder Auchenorrhyncha - Cicadas, Hoppers, and Spittlebugs
Super-family Membracoidea - Leaf-hoppers and Tree-hoppers, 860 species in Australia
Family Cicadellidae - Leafhoppers and Gumtree hoppers, 784 named species in Australia
Subfamily Tartessinae - Gumtree Hoppers, 152 species in Australia
Tribe Stenocotini - Trunk Dwelling Gumtree Hoppers, 12 species in Australia
Genus ?
Species ?
