Woodlands Historic Park Bugs

Green Gumtree Hopper (Paradorydium species) at Woodlands Historic Park
Green Gumtree Hopper on a Yellow Box twig, mid January. About 8mm long.

This species has also been seen in the park on Red Gum and Grey Box, but in all cases only a single adult was seen and I have no evidence that it was feeding. Identification to genus is relatively easy because of the position of the ocelli (simple eye) visible in the above photo as a red dot on the margin of the head in front of the compound eye. See the key on page 80 of Evans. Identification from a photograph using the more up to date key on the NSW Department of Primary Industry Website requires some guesswork.


from Australian Faunal Directory

Order Hemiptera - bugs, hoppers and scale insects
Suborder Auchenorrhyncha - Cicadas, Hoppers, and Spittlebugs
Super-family Membracoidea - Leaf-hoppers and Tree-hoppers, 860 species in Australia
Family Cicadellidae - Leafhoppers and Gumtree hoppers, 784 named species in Australia
Subfamily Deltocephalinae - Mainly grass-feeding Leaf-hoppers, 190 species in Australia
Tribe Eupelicini - Elongated Leaf-hoppers, 9 species in Australia
Genus Paradorydium
Species ?
