Woodlands Historic Park Bugs

Gumtree Hoppers (<i>Eurymelessa moruyana</i>) at Woodlands Historic Park
Gumtree Hopper on Yellow Box, mid January. Length 6-7mm.
Gumtree Hoppers <i>Eurymelessa moruyana</i> with nymphs at Woodlands Historic Park
Gumtree Hopper with Nymphs and ants, mid January.
Nymphs of Gumtree Hoppers (Eurymelessa moruyana) at Woodlands Historic Park
Several Instars of Nymph
Nymphs of Gumtree Hoppers (Eurymelessa moruyana) at Woodlands Historic Park
Nymphs can also occur in this distinctive colour pattern.


from Australian Faunal Directory

Order Hemiptera - bugs, hoppers and scale insects
Suborder Auchenorrhyncha - Cicadas, Hoppers, and Spittlebugs
Super-family Membracoidea - Leaf-hoppers and Tree-hoppers, 860 species in Australia
Family Cicadellidae - Leafhoppers and Gumtree hoppers, 784 named species in Australia
Subfamily Eurymelinae - Gumtree and other hoppers with gregarious nymphs and associated with ants, 202 species in Australia
Tribe Eurymelini - Gumtree hoppers, 88 species in Australia
Genus Eurymelessa
Species Eurymelessa moruyana