Woodlands Historic Park Wasps

Potter Wasp (Subfamily Eumeninae) at Woodlands Historic Park
Unidentified Potter Wasp (photo Andrew Allen)
Potter Wasp (Subfamily Eumeninae) at Woodlands Historic Park
Potter Wasp (Subfamily Eumeninae) at Woodlands Historic Park

This wasp looks very similar to the previous one, and could be the same species. However we think there are at least two species like this - the one shown here with two stripes on the face, and another with solid yellow on the face (not shown on this site because the photo was very poor).


from Australian Faunal Directory

Order Hymenoptera - Wasps, Ants, Bees and Sawflies, 12202 named species in Australia
Family Vespidae - Mud Wasps or Potter Wasps, 368 named species in Australia
Subfamily Eumeninae
Genus ?
Species ?