Woodlands Historic Park Wasps

Yellow Spotted Flower Wasp  (Australelis anthracina) at Woodlands Historic Park
Male Yellow Spotted Flower Wasp, mid March

These are often seen in groups flying around low to the ground. When they stop long enough to observe they always seem to be males, as indicated by the long antennae. (Compare the antennae of the female on the next page.) Females, who may not have a yellow spot, have been seen only rarely. The next page may show a female feeding on nectar but the males have never been seen doing this.


from Australian Faunal Directory

Order Hymenoptera - Wasps, Ants, Bees and Sawflies, 12202 named species in Australia
Family Scoliidae - Hairy Flower Wasps, 20 named species in Australia, 5 in Victoria
Genus Australelis
Species Australelis anthracina