Woodlands Historic Park Galls

gall on Senecio quadridentatus flower head at Woodlands Historic Park
Gall on flower head of the daisy Cotton Fireweed, caused by a fruit fly. Ungalled flower head on the left.

Note that Cotton Fireweed (Senecio quadridentatus) is a native species and not a weed as the name might imply. The only insect known to cause galls on the flowers of this plant is the fruit fly Sphenella ruficeps, which also affects many other Senecio species. Another fly in the same family, Trupanea glauca, causes flower galls and also stem galls in many of the same Senecio species.


statistics from Australian Faunal Directory

Order Diptera - Flies, 8955 named species in Australia at Nov. 2021
Family Tephritidae - Fruit Flies, 293 named species in Australia
Genus Sphenella
Species Sphenella ruficeps
