Woodlands Historic Park Bugs

Mating pair of Red-lined Gumtree Hoppers (<i>Eurymelops rubrovittata</i>) with ant at Woodlands Historic Park
Red-lined Gumtree Hoppers with ant, late Nov. Length 13-14mm.
Eggs of Red-lined Gumtree Hopper (<i>Eurymelops rubrovittata</i>) with ant at Woodlands Historic Park
Eggs of the Red-lined Gumtree Hopper with ant, late Oct. The insect lays its eggs in slots cut into a small branch, and covers them with a waxy foam.
Nymph and adult Red-lined Gumtree Hoppers (<i>Eurymelops rubrovittata</i>) with ant at Woodlands Historic Park
Nymph and Adult Red-lined Gumtree Hoppers with ant, late Jan.

This species has been seen in three out of four spring/summer seasons, once as early as the start of August. All sightings have been on Yellow Box saplings.


from Australian Faunal Directory

Order Hemiptera - bugs, hoppers and scale insects
Suborder Auchenorrhyncha - Cicadas, Hoppers, and Spittlebugs
Super-family Membracoidea - Leaf-hoppers and Tree-hoppers, 860 species in Australia
Family Cicadellidae - Leafhoppers and Gumtree hoppers, 784 named species in Australia
Subfamily Eurymelinae - Gumtree and other hoppers with gregarious nymphs and associated with ants, 202 species in Australia
Tribe Eurymelini - Gumtree hoppers, 88 species in Australia
Genus Eurymelops
Species Eurymelops rubrovittata